[&lt; All Assignments](../../index.html) # A6: Hero, embeddables and transitions ## Assignment Description Finish the demo site by styling the hero sections, adding the coffee and search content, and styling the assignment page. ## Instructions 1. Find what each page should look like in the [mockups](mockups/) folder 1. Find the specs in the [specs](specs/) folder 1. Update the Hero images on all pages - add an id to the body of each page. `<body id="home">` - find the hero images in the [images](images/) folder - Add the background images in css. Be sure to add the comment giving credit for each image ``` #home .hero { background-image: url('images/ocean.jpg'); /*photo by NASA https://hd.unsplash.com/photo-1451186859696-371d9477be93 */ } #about .hero { background-image: url('images/blueberries.jpg'); /* photo from @veeterzy https://unsplash.com/search/blueberries?photo=Hc42xXu_WOg*/ } #coffee .hero { background-image: url('images/coffee.jpg'); /* photo from Jakub Kapusnak https://foodiesfeed.com/flatwhite-coffee-closeup-berlin */ } #search .hero { background-image: url('images/sky.jpg'); /* Photo from drew collins https://unsplash.com/?photo=U713MZX1x0w */ } #assignments .hero { background-image: url('images/coast.jpg'); /* photo from Stefan Kunze https://unsplash.com/?photo=_SmZSuZwkHg*/ } ``` 1. Update the Coffee page - Update the style of the quote in css - Redo the menu as a table in html 1. Update the Search page - Add the form, video and map html - Style the form in css 1. Update the assignment page - style the asignment definitions 1. Turn in ## Requirement Checklist: - Can you access the assignment mockups online? `https://{username}.github.io/web1/assignment-6` - Are the hero images added as backgrounds on all pages? - Check the coffee page: - Does the quote have a yellow border on the left? - Are the prices right-aligned in the menu table? - Are the drink definitions light gray and italic? - Check the search page: - Does the search form have a white background and drop shadow? - is the search button blue with rounded corners? - Check the assignments page: - Are the links blue and underlined - Are the definitions left aligned with the links